EDM in Kenya

1. Garside, B., Rajagopal, S., Walker. L., and Wykes, S. CAFOD and IIED. (2017). Using the EDM toolkit to analyse impact: a small-scale horticulture project in Kenya

This report uses the EDM to review the impacts of Community Based Green Energy Project implemented by CAFOD and local partners in Kenya from 2011-14, focussing on solar-powered horticulture for women farmer groups. It uses the learning to identify how to address challenges, and improve future project design.

2. Garside, B. and Perera, N. (2021). CAFOD and IIED. Energy services for local development: integrated and inclusive planning for county governments in Kenya.

This working paper summarises the adaptation of the EDM approach to develop a County Energy Plan (CEP) in Kitui County by IIED and CAFOD, with local partners Caritas Kitui and the Kitui County government. The paper outlines the energy-enabled business and investment models developed in eight sectors.

3. Johnstone, K., Kajumba. T. and Wong Perez, K. IIED, CARITAS Kitui and Loughborough University (2022). Better farmer benefits from renewable energy: improving inclusion and uptake in Kenya.

This briefing summarises work carried out with UK PACT funding to turn the Kitui CEP solutions for horticulture and poultry into implementation-ready solutions,. It highlights opportunities for strengthening gender equality and social inclusion (GESI).

County energy plans

Kitui county energy energy plan (CEP) – summary

Kitui county energy energy plan (CEP) – Full document