Other Individual Projects

Niger Delta (2016)

The oil-rich Niger Delta region fuels Nigeria’s economy, accounting for over 80 per cent of the federal government’s revenue. Yet it remains one of the poorest parts of the country. Its considerable potential for socio-economic development has been hampered by a lack of access to modern energy services. 

The European Union-funded Sungas project aimed to develop community-based energy solutions in the Niger Delta using renewable energy. As part of this project, Stakeholder Democracy Network (SDN) piloted the sale of solar-powered portable lighting as a sustainable business model. The EDM was used to evaluate the impact of SDN’s solar lantern distribution model. 

Kenya (2017)

In Kenya, the agricultural sector has significant potential but is hampered by a lack of electricity and water availability. From 2011 to 2014, CAFOD and local partners implemented an EU-funded Community Based Green Energy Project aimed at addressing some of these challenges by providing energy and other supporting services for rural and peri-urban communities. The EDM was used to evaluate the project’s impact on a sample of farmers’ groups in Kitui County. 

Myanmar (2018)

The EDM approach was used to support French NGO GERES in reviewing design of a cookstoves distribution project.